
Ref: 320035790072

Price: LKR 235,000.00 (Per perch)

Location: Horana - Kalutara

Distance to Nearest Town: 3km to Moragahahena m

Land Extent: 29 perches

Common Features :
Land Features :
25 to 40 perches, Bare (empty) Land

Added on: 2022-12-12

29 Perch Land, One side boundry to Ruwanpura high way, Nice location to buid a house face to high way, 9km to Horana Town, Located in bettween Horana-Moragahaheha road and 3km to Moragahahena town. very peaceful surounding.

Contact- 0703054958- visit only week ends

Contact: Pradeep Perera
Phone: 703054958