House | For Sale | Wijerama - Reference H4327

Ref: H4327

Price: LKR 46,000,000.00 (Total)

Location: Nugegoda - Colombo

Distance to Nearest Town: 200 m

No of Bed Rooms: 5

Living Area: 1

Dining Area: 1

No of Toilets: 3

Land Extent: 12 perches

Road Frontage: 20ft

Access Road: 40ft

No of Floors: 1

Floor Area: 3500 sq meters

Garage: 1

Floor Type: 3500

Common Features :
House Features :
2500 to 3500sqft, 5+ Rooms, 50 to 75 million, Three Bathrooms

Added on: 2022-11-18

For SALE - House in Wijerama- Property ID H4325

This House is located at GAlhena Road, Wijerama, Nugegoda. This location has easy accessibility banks, bus stations, clothing stores, supermarkets, hospitals, restaurants, hotels, religious places, Government and International Schools.


* 12 perches land

* 5 bedrooms

* 3 bathrooms

* Parking

* Close to the Sri Jayawardenapura University 

You contact us before 8.00 P.M if you need further information.
Please mention the property ID.
Booking appointments are preferred.


Contact: Yapa Disna
Phone: 0774029333