Ref: C3029
Price: LKR 96,000,000.00 (Total)
Location: Hokandara - Colombo
Distance to Nearest Town: 400 m
Land Extent: 8.5 perches
Road Frontage: 60ft
Commercial Features :
60 to 100 million, Commercial Building
Common Features :
Added on: 2022-11-25
Commercial property for Sale in Kanatta road, Hokandara
#. 8.5 perch land
#. 6 bedrooms and 6 bathrooms
#. Parking facility for 6 vehicles
#. Servant room and toilet
#. 60ft access road
#. A/C and Hot water
#. Boundary Wall
#. Landscaped Garden
#. Idea as a cooperate/staff accommodation
#. 400m to Nearest town